Department of Pathology

The Department of pathology was established in the year 1958. The first professor of this department was Dr.K.V. Subbarao, an ex army person, who also acted as warden for Mens hostel. He was followed by Dr. C.R.R.M Reddy, Dr. Bhaskar Reddy . Dr.P .Syamsundar Rao, Dr.G.Suvarna Kumari, Dr.V .Prabhakar, Dr. V. Indira, Dr. Kameswara Rao, Dr. V. Narayana rao, Dr.Jaw ad Ali khan, Dr. L.Kousalya, Dr. Sikinder Hayat, Dr. Ahmed Saheb, Dr. K.P.A.Chandra Sekhar, Dr.K .Siva nagamani, Dr. Ramprasad Challapalli, Dr.M. Janaki, Dr. D. Dakshina Murthy, Dr. Vijay Sreedhar and Dr. Tamil Arasi.

Research activity to the extent of national and international credit was done during C.R.R.M Reddy’s period. Epidemiological study on Guinea worm disease was published in I.C.M.R bulletin. His work on Hydatid disease is seen in the form of a monograph published by W.H.O.Good number of autopsies were conducted during those days and Dr. Reddy has demonstrated the high frequency of endomyocardial fibrosis in Andhra Pradesh. This work on autopsy study was published in the British Heart Journal . Another top article on the postmortem study is Takayasu’s Arteriopathy published in pathologica at microbiologica Switzerland. His research work on scorpion sting both on animal experimental study and post mortem study on patients who died of scorpion sting, is seen as a seminsl paper in the British Medical Journal. He worked on Chutta cancer” in Andhra Medical College, and received Hari OM award , the highest award in India for his scientific medical research.

Dr.D. Bhaskar reddy who succeded Dr.C.R.R.M Reddy acted not only as a Professor of pathology but also as a Principal, K.M.C. Kurnool. He is a person well known for his administrative capabilities and for maintaining discipline in students and staff. During his period there was a lot of improvement in the college and hospital both academically and also on administrative side. During his period a study on Indian Child hood Cirrhosis, was taken up under the ICMR scheme. Government has recognized his academic and administrative abilities and appointed him as a Vice Chancellor of Nagarjuna University.

Dr. P Syam Sunder Rao acted as Professor and also as Principal. K.M.C. Kurnool. He was the person to recognize and classify the sectional library books. He received the state best Teacher’s award. The staff, students of Dr.Rao may remember his guidelines in the lab techniques in their academic life.

Dr. Suvarna Kumari , First batch post graduate student from this department and headed this department. . Dr. Jawad Ali Khan has established photography unit and done a lot work on developing microphotographs. . Dr. Sivanagamani has done more service in the development of Museum and mounted more than 1000 specimens. Dr.Sikindar Hayat received best teachers award in the year 2001, best administrator and service appreciation award from the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Bharat siksha rattan award, has conducted many C.M.E’s and conferences. He also served as chairman for Indian M.B.B.S courses, member of N.T.R.U.H.S academic senate. Dr. Chandrasekhar has conducted state IAPM conference in the year 2001. Dr. Janaki has brought licence for blood components and established 24 hours lab. She also took active part in conducting medical exhibition and state IAPM conference. She also took active part in establishing a Medical Education Unit. Dr.Tamil arasi was an able administrator.


We are Conducting theory and Practical classes for 200 M.B,B.S students,40 B.D.S students, 40 Unani students, nursing, M.L.T, D.M.L.T. students .Admits two post graduates per year. In the 2017 state IAP M conference our P.G student bagged second prize in award paper session . I.H.C was introduced in the year 2014, since then we have been conducting ER,PR, HER-2 markers study on breast cancer. We have recently acquired Grossing station and a Trinocular microscope with attached camera for P.G teaching purpose. Blood bank ; Regular blood donation camps are conducted in and around Kurnool. Whole blood, packed cells, Fresh frozen plasma, single donor platelets are provided to the needy. Total donations are 10,000 per year - this is the highest figure in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh.